Place your Hands
You know you cannot hide from what’s inside
The Retune Blog - 24th May 2024
When it comes to big guitar riff driven songs from the 90’s Reef’s Place your Hands is a real belter. Having heard it again recently I decided to do a bit of digging about the song. Reef had been on tour when the grandfather of the band’s frontman and lyricist Gary Stringer died. At the time they had been working on the song and the lyrics took on a special meaning:
Place your hands on my hope, run your fingers through my soul, the way that I feel right now, oh lord it may go.
Stringer said that the lyric represented the idea that reaching out to others in times of sadness can be a real comfort. Reflecting on the lyrics to the song, I think what really stands out to me on this theme is:
You know you cannot hide from what's inside. So I ask of you to help me through.
That this reaching out to others when we are struggling comprises two components; honesty with ourselves and vulnerability to others.
In regards to being honest with ourselves, we can often try to hide from our own emotions and fears. But with bravery we can learn to accept they are there and that they are what they are, feelings. As we expose them to the light of day through acknowledging and accepting them, the power they hold over us often diminishes.
Yet this often involves a second step of bravery, sharing our thoughts and feelings with (selected) others. This makes us vulnerable as we place ourselves into the hands of others but also gives us the chance to grow as others are able to point out in and to us the things we never see about ourselves.
So, this week I’ve discovered that Place your Hands isn’t just a cracking tune, but also a soundtrack for growth in hard times through honesty and vulnerability.
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