2020 / October 9 October 2020 4 mins 4 years 597 words 1 2 Tagged authentic, authneticity, choice, Choices, Dreaming What did you dream? Learning to be authentic.
2020 / September 11 September 2020 3 mins 4 years 433 words 1 2 Tagged dreamer, Dreaming, dreams, escapism, King of the Clouds To escape this old world. Rediscovering the importance of escapism.
2020 / August 7 August 2020 4 mins 5 years 568 words 1 1 Tagged Choices, dreams, Hamilton, life coaching, stories Telling the story of tonight Going from dreams to action
2018 / November 28 November 2018 4 mins 6 years 483 words 1 Tagged dreams, hope, Reverend and the Makers, self-awareness I could’ve been the heavyweight champion of the world Not becoming like everyone else but becoming yourself.