2019 / December

With a thankful heart that is wide awake.

Thankful Heart taken from the Movie Soundtrack to The Muppets Christmas Carol

Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash

Tis’ the time to watch many a Christmas film! Every year, without fail, we watch The Muppets Christmas Carol, which is where this week’s song, Thankful Heart, has come from. It’s a positive and hopeful song with which to bring our year to an end.

The film explores the transformation of Scrooge which brings him the revelation of the importance of taking responsibility not just for himself, but also for others. This sense of belonging and commitment to community brings him a renewed sense of purpose and wellbeing:

With a thankful heart, with an endless joy, with a growing family … Will bring love, hope and peace to me.

The story of scrooge, retold once again this year on the BBC through a new adaption, is one which is timeless. As a society, and individuals within it, we still need to learn the importance of care and community to our wellbeing. A focus on love and sharing:

With an open smile and with open doors, I will bid you welcome, what is mine is yours.

It sounds very utopian, perhaps some might argue, even communist with the idea of a shared wealth. Yet, the transformation of Scrooge brought a generosity of spirit which reached beyond kind thoughts and words to a promise to share the wealth. Scrooge even recognises that it is not stored wealth yet relationships which should be used as the measure of a person. His wellbeing and worth become intrinsically linked to his compassion toward others.

What this Christmas season brings is an opportunity for intentionality to adopt this transformed spirit of Scrooge. A chance to rest, enjoy and determine to sail a friendly course. This period between Christmas and New Year is the gift to us which allows us the opportunity to rejuvenate, reflect, prepare and decide how we will start the next chapter of our lives as we start the new year. As you close your year what better way than:

On a sea of love and a thankful heart.

Want some help getting the right start to 2020? Why not consider booking an appointment with the author, Dr Dave Wood.

Taken from the album:


Founder and Director of Metanoeo CIC and Metanoeo Coaching. Working with individuals, communities and business to co-create #wellbeing4all through life coaching, resources for living life well and training and supporting life coaches.