Take me on and we will conquer.
Fighting Fit by Gene

Photo by Vinicius Amano on Unsplash
The idea that life can sometimes feel like a fight has felt very real to me over the past couple of weeks since losing Mum. You have periods of feeling battered and periods when you are running on pure adrenalin. Then you come to days like today when you try to sit down and write something about wellbeing. Thankfully, my good friend Steve Tye provided me with the perfect song to reflect on, Fighting Fit by Gene. I could easily relate to the words in the opening verse:
I wanted to be so bold but good words are never easy.
Then I started to think about a picture I saw this week of Frank Bruno with the associated article questioning if he was returning to the ring. Bruno had famously called his battle with mental health the biggest battle he had ever had to win. In reference to this in a recent interview he commented, “I’ll always get up, it’s the only way I know”. It is this determination, and the support he receives from others that has helped Bruno to continue to battle with his own mental health and help others who are also in the fight themselves. This reminded me of another line from the Gene song:
I know I have many flaws, but our love it will shatter all. Take me on and we will conquer.
The song speaks of determination in lyrics such as: I will give as good as I get. It also speaks of the importance of relationships: Your shoulders act as my strength. It strikes me, again and again, that resilience and relationship are two of the most important features of a life in which we can thrive.
Reflecting on this, it’s been a reminder that during this challenging time for me, and for all of us as a nation facing the current pandemic, seeking and accepting the help of others is sometimes one of the most significant acts of bravery any fighter can take.
If you are interested in reading more of Frank Bruno’s story, why not consider purchasing his book Let’s Be Frank?
Need to talk more? Why not consider booking an appointment with the author, Dr Dave Wood?
Taken from the album: