What doesn’t kill you makes a fighter
Stronger by Kelly Clarkson

I’ve had a really frustrating ten days. After being really consistent with my training at the gym I had to stop having come down with a cold last week. Then, last Friday I got the dreaded positive COVID test back.
I say dreaded not because it was COVID, but because I was really wanting to get on with work and training again this week. But instead, it’s been a week of isolation and tiredness. So, the words of Kelly Clarkson’s Stronger have really resonated with me this week:
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Stand a little taller … What doesn’t kill you makes a fighter. Footsteps even lighter.
To be clear, I’m not one for believing that every cloud has a silver lining. Although I do always look to see what responses are possible in situations I face, I certainly don’t think all things hold something good, or even happen for a reason.
Yet, when you’re having a week when there is not that much you can get on with, you do have to look at what you can do. So, this week for me, it’s been a case of taking on board the song lyrics and asking myself, how I can I grow this week whilst also resting and not pushing myself.
So, it’s been watching taekwondo videos and some light stretching in place of going to the gym, and lots of rest and daydreaming about how I can grow in my work instead of pushing on with things. They may not have been my first choices, but they were the right choices. We grow as fighters in life increasing the lightness and skill on our feet not just by having a plan, but also by being able to adapt it when the needs arise.
Click here to book a coaching session with the author of Retune, Dr Dave Wood.