Three, that’s the magic number
Three, that's the magic number
The Retune Blog - 28th April 2023
Have you ever wondered if there is a ‘magic’ number? Well, according to De La Soul’s The Magic Number, it is three. Sounds crazy eh? Three? Well perhaps not if you are into symoblism.
For Pythagorus, three was considered the perfect number representing harmony, wisdom and understanding. It’s also considered the number of time; past, present and future. Even the number of the human experience of life itself; birth, life, death. And for Christians it represents God as one essence in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But what about for De La Soul?
Three. That's the Magic Number. Yes it is. It's the magic number. Somewhere in this hip-hop soul community, was born three: Mase, Dove, and me. And that's the magic number.
Well, De La Soul has three members, and that mix was magic. The magic of cooperation, creativity and community. (See what I did there with the three c’s!) Continue through the song and you’ll see this recognition that together, the three members of De La Soul formed more than the sum of their three individual parts.
There is a deep truth in this. We become more when in harmony with other people. We are both encouraged and challenged by them, and also can create something unique with the differences in perspectives we bring to one another.
The song also muses over the idea that being with other people helps us to explore being ourselves instead of just trying to be like someone else. When we’re in the flow with other people at our side we can all bring something to the table without having to be everything.
So, today, if you’re struggling with other people, just remember that it is in our relationships with others that we can sometimes find magic.
Book of the week
Love More Fight Less by Gina Senarighi (2020)
This book is a guide for couples in how to improve communication skills which support the ongoing development of a positive relationship. It looks at self-awareness, talking about difficult issues such as sex and money, and the influence of the wider family such as in-laws.
Whilst a book written for couples, the principles can be traced back further to some core values for all relationships; being aware of ourselves, being willing to have uncomfortable conversations, and recognising the influences on ourselves and others. All critical points of being a health assertive communicator.