Limbo cool, limbo fine, ev’rybody gets a chance
Do the Limbo Dance by David Hasselhoff

Photo by Nadim Merrikh on Unsplash
Some people say he was single-handedly responsible for the fall of the Berlin wall and communism. Some say he’s one of the greatest legends of our time. (In both cases, who?!) Others simply refer to him as The Hoff. Personally speaking, I just think of him as the guy who used to be in Knight Rider! This week’s song choice (thank you Mr Stevie Tye) is Do the Limbo Dance by David Hasselhoff.
Check out the video. It’s cringy, stereotypical, but it’s bound to make you smile. And who doesn’t need a little nudge toward the less serious in life every now and again. I mean, read this, and don’t smile to yourself:
Limbo cool, limbo fine, ev’rybody gets a chance. Come on and move your body down, do the limbo dance. Limbo cool, limbo fine, ev’rybody gets a chance. Clap your hands it’s party time. Do the limbo dance.
In our house it’s set me off attempting to limbo under an imaginary bar. I can perhaps bend far enough to take a few inches off my height!
The point is though, fun is important. And how much gravitas do we give in our lives, and, yes, in our diaries, to simply having fun. I think for our own wellbeing, rather than just seeing fun things as a luxury, we need to really take fun seriously. Do things everyday which make you smile, and which have no real purpose other than enjoyment.
After all, it’s only when we prioritise the fun in life that we are really equipped to deal with the serious.
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Do the Limbo Dance is taken from the David Hasselhoff album BILD Best Of.